Vocabulary Words - 16.02.2016

Vocabulary Words - 16.02.2016

1. ZANY (ADJECTIVE): crazy, funny

Synonyms: campy, comical

Antonyms: serious, sincere

Example Sentence:

It's all very madcap and zany, anarchic in a way familiar to any contemporary viewer of late-night TV made decades later.

2. NECROMANCY (NOUN): sorcery

Synonyms: charm, conjuring Antonyms: ugliness, repulsion

Example Sentence:

Saudi Arabia has recently beheaded women for “necromancy” but has avoided apostasy trials involving its few Christian converts.

3. ESCULENT (ADJECTIVE): fit to be eaten

Synonyms: comestible, consumable Antonyms: inedible, unpalatable

Example Sentence:

Sure, we may come for the recipes, but we stay to be entertained by the cook's own peculiar passion for the world of the esculent.


Synonyms: desirous, avaricious Antonyms: generous, unselfish

Example Sentence:

She made, so it was said in business offices, usurious loans by means of her brother, who appeared as a money-lender.

5. COUNTERMAND (VERB): annul, cancel a command

Synonyms: repeal, rescind Antonyms: permit, sanction

Example Sentence:

I told thee my reasons for not going in search of a letter of countermand.

6. INCONGRUITY (NOUN): incompatibility

Synonyms: discrepancy, disparity Antonyms: suitability, appropriateness

Example Sentence:

How do you feel when you see a picture like that, almost showing the incongruity of

war and a religious belief?

7. BAPTIZE (VERB): initiate in church rite

Synonyms: immerse, cleanse Antonyms: dirty, ignore

Example Sentence:

A well-known politician, who died only recently, was born in the village, and the old rector was called on to baptize him.

8. GROGGY (ADJECTIVE): dizzy, stunned

Synonyms: confused, dazed Antonyms: steady, stable

Example Sentence:

As I start to make calls, groggy American colleagues walk into the newsroom.

9. CONVIVIALITY (NOUN): a noisy drinking party

Synonyms: festivity, merriment Antonyms: recluse, boredom

Example Sentence:

He was often melancholy, and wild conviviality and celebrity made no difference to that.

10. BAROQUE (ADJECTIVE): decorative, especially architecture

Synonyms: florid, ornate Antonyms: plain, undecorated

Example Sentence:

Focused on evening wear, the baroque richness and detailed workmanship reflected the gilt-embossed walls of the venue.

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