Weekly vocabulary from THE HINDU

1.first past the post(phrase)- it is an electoral system in which a candidate with the most votes in each constituency wins and becomes the MP/MLA for that seat.
2.take along(phrase)- bring someone into one’s care which proceeding further somewhere.
3.at the expense of(phrase)- sacrifice, cost, loss.

4.(make) inroads in(phrase)- thrust, drive, onset/rush.
5.on one’s own volition(phrase)- voluntarily, by choice, by one’s own preference.
6.at the cost of(phrase)- at the expense of, sacrifice, at the loss of.
7.in the making(phrase)- developing, coming/ burgeoning, up and coming.
8.on account of(phrase)- because of, owing to, due to.
9.in principle(phrase)- in general, in essence.
10.pros and cons(phrase)- advantages and disadvantages; for and against (of something).
11.at stake(phrase)- at risk, at issue, in question.
12.zero-sum game(phrase)- zero-sum game is one in which no wealth is created or destroyed. So, in a two-player zero-sum game, whatever one player wins, the other loses.
13.take the gloves off(phrase)- start fighting; start to react/fight in a determined/serious way.
14.as a whole(phrase)- all together, as a group, as one/in a mass.
15.with regard to(phrase)- in respect of, concerning, with reference to.
16.by all accounts(phrase)- supposedly, apparently, seemingly.
17.does not leave anything to chance (or) leave nothing to change(phrase)- to prepare for everything possible.
18.at play(phrase)- something active that affects a result.
19.race to the bottom(phrase)- a competitive state where a company, state or nations attempts to undercut the competition’s prices by sacrificing quality standards or worker safety, defying regulations, or paying low wages.
20.bring to book(phrase)- punish officially.
21.pay attention to(phrase)- heed, take notice of, listen/consider.
22.at the least(phrase)- to put it mildly, without any exaggeration, taking pessimistic view.
23.on the sidelines(phrase)- it refers to a meeting/ forum occurs at the same time as the scheduled meeting/forum, but is not itself an item on the agenda.
24.in this regard(phrase)- in connection with the aspect/consideration/point referred earlier.
25.in perspective(phrase)- judge a particular thing’s real importance by considering it in relation to everything else.
26.in favour of(phrase)- in support of, to the advantage of, approving of.
27.set your minds to do something(phrase)- if you set your minds to do something, you are determined to do it.
28.strike a chord(phrase)- cause/arouse someone to feel emotion/sympathy.
29.(go) off the rails(phrase)- out of control, insane; behave in an abnormal way that causes damage.
30.in haste(phrase)- quickly, with urgency, in a rush, in a hurry.
31.in force(phrase)- effective, in operation, active.
32.in line with(phrase)- in accordance with.
33.take a beating(phrase)- suffer damage.
34.wash one’s hands of(phrase)- disown, disclaim, renounce/reject.
35.the emperor had no clothes(phrase)- it is used to show how easy people can be conned/tricked/ cheated by frauds that prey on (exploit/take advantage of) their fears and insecurities. (In many cases people pretend something to be factual even if they are not convinced so that they do not look foolish. People accept the stupid claims so that they do not look stupid).
36.second skin(phrase)- if something feels like a second skin, it means that it fits you; you accept it and embrace it (it feels “very natural”).
37.in this regard(phrase)- in connection with the aspect/consideration/point referred earlier.
38.by all means(phrase)- certainly, indeed, definitely.
39.get caught in something(phrase)- to become unexpectedly involved in an unpleasant or annoying situation.
40.need of the hour(phrase)- some need/requirement/demand at a particular point of time.
41.in sum(phrase)- briefly, to come to the point, in essence.
42.steer clear of(phrase)- keep away from, avoid, shun.
43.a thing of the past(phrase)- something no longer exists/happens.
1.come up(phrasal verb)- occur, happen, emerge.
2.balance out(phrasal verb)- to make something (a different/opposite one) less powerful/ distinguishable.
3.descend into(phrasal verb)- degenerate, deteriorate, decline.
4.rein in(phrasal verb)- restrict, control, restrain.
5.turn around(phrasal verb)- change course, reverse direction.
6.rope in(phrasal verb)- enlist, engage, persuade.
7.come up(phrasal verb)- occur, happen, emerge.
8.reach out(phrasal verb)- contact someone for help/assistance/cooperation.
9.lie in(phrasal verb)- be present, be contained, exist.
10.come up with(phrasal verb)- produce, propose/put forward, submit/recommend.
11.contend with(phrase verb)- cope/deal with, face/confront, grapple with.
12.grapple with(phrasal verb)- tackle with, deal with, face/confront.
13.call for(phrasal verb)- require, publicly ask/necessitate, demand.
14.look after(phrasal verb)- take care of, care for, support, protect/guard.
15.scale up(phrasal verb)- increase.
16.look for(phrasal verb)- search for, try to find, look around for.
17.balance out(phrasal verb)- to make something (a different/opposite one) less powerful/ distinguishable.
18.throw up(phrasal verb)- produce something.
19.rely on(phrasal verb)- depend on; resort to, have recourse to.
20.add up to(phrasal verb)- amount to, constitute, comprise.
21.stand to(phrasal verb)- be in a position, be ready.
22.hold back(phrasal verb)- desist, discontinue, stop oneself.
23.factor in(phrasal verb)- included/added as a factor/point when making a decision.
24.play out(phrasal verb)- happen, occur, take place.
25.open up to something(phrasal verb)- to accept something.
26.flesh out(phrasal verb)- expand, add detail to, augment/refine.
27.set out(phrasal verb)- arrange, present, describe.
28.dwell on(phrasal verb)- linger over, think about, mull over.
29.contend with(phrase verb)- cope with, face/confront, grapple/deal with.
30.serve out(phrasal verb)- continue, go on.
31.take away(phrasal verb)- remove, dismiss, take out.
32.bring down(phrasal verb)- oust, remove, dismiss (from a position/power).
33.play out(phrasal verb)- happen, occur, take place.
34.see through(phrasal verb)- realize, fathom, understand.
35.push back(phrasal verb)- resist, oppose, delay.
36.part with(phrasal verb)- give up, relinquish/hand over, forgo/renounce.

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