Dabble – play
Syn – trifle with , mess around
Dagger - short knife with appointed and edged blade, used as a weapon.
Syn -poniard, bayonet
Dainty -delicately small and pretty.
Syn – prim , squeamish Dangle-1) hang or swing loosely.
Syn-Hang , swing
2) offer (an enticing incentive) to someone.
Syn-Lure , bait
Dank -unpleasantly damp and cold.
Syn – clammy,humid
Dapper - neat and trim in dress and appearance.
Syn -jaunty , chic , rakish , dashing
Dappled -marked with spots
The horse's dappled flank
Syn- variegated ,brindled
Daunt - to make feel nervous and less confident about something
Some people are daunted by technology
Syn- intimidate , abash
Dawdle -waste time; be slow.
She must not dawdle, she had to make the call now
Syn – procrastinate , loiter
Discretion- the quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offence or revealing confidential information.
"she knew she could rely on his discretion"
Syn- prudence , vigilance
Dissent - hold or express opinions that are different with those commonly held
Two member dissented from the majority
Syn – dissidence , discord
Dispassionate- not influenced by strong emotion
She dealt with disaster in a. calm and dispassionate way
Syn- impassive , nonchalant
Dispel - drive away thought, belief
Syn- disband , expel
Dispense - distribute or provide (a service or information) to a number of people.
The C .M was dispensing woollen clothes to poor
Disport –amusement , diversion from work
A painting of ladies disporting themselves by a lake
Syn- conviviality, mirth
He was smiling dissembling his true emotions
Syn- camouflage,shroud
Disseminate- spread (something, especially information) widely
The health authorities should foster better climate by disseminating information
Syn- promulgate ,Propagate
Desertation- a long essay on a particular subject

Syn- thesis , discourse
Dissident - a person who opposes official policy
A dissident was jailed by ruling regime
Syn- discordant , heretical
Disdain - consider to be unworthy of one's consideration.
He disdained him as an inferior rabble
Syn- disparagement, insolence
disgruntled- angry or dissatisfied.
Judge receive letter from disgruntled member of the committee
Syn- displeased, Ingratitude
bellyaching- complain noisily
Workers were bellyaching about lack of resources
Syn- bemoan, groan
Dishevelled – untidy
A man with long dishevelled hair
Syn- bedraggled , messy
Dismal - pitifully or disgracefully bad.
He was shuddered watching his team dismal performance
Syn – awful ,

Deplorable - shockingly bad in quality.
Her hand was deplorably bad
Syn- terrible , grievously
Diabolical- characteristic of the Devil
Syn- demonic , nefarious
Discordant –1) disagreeing
The operating system of democracy is a balance of discordant qualities
Syn-Inconsistent, incongruous
2) harsh and jarring because of a lack of harmony.
The singer continued his discordant chanting
Syn – dissonant , cacophonous
Discourse – speech
A discourse on nature of life after death
Syn – dissertation, treatise ,homily
Disparage - showing a critical or disrespectful attitude.
Syn – derogatory, deprecatory
He never missed an opportunity to disparage his friend
Disparate -different in kind
Syn -divergent , unlike
They both acquire a disparate worlds of thoughts
Dissimulate – to hide or conceal
Syn – disguise , dissemble
Actors always try to dissimulate their emotions
Dissolution -final end
Syn – conclusion ,disbanding , termination
The dissolution of their marriage
Dissuade – persuade (someone) not to take a particular course of action.
Syn- deter , discourage
His friend tried to dissuade him from telling the truth
Diva – a famous female singer
Syn -prima Donna
Deprive - prevent (a person or place) from having or using something.
Syn- dispossess , divest
The city was deprived of clean water
Divulge – reveal a secrete
Syn – confess , disclose
He refused to divulge his current earning
Docile – easy to influence
Syn – passive , submissive
He is a gentle and docile person
Doctrinaire -strictly follow a theory
Syn – unyielding ,dogma
Saint follow their doctrinaire till the end of their life
Doddering- shaking or difficulty in walking because of old age
Syn – tottering , weaving
A doddering old man
Dogged - very determined
Syn- pertinacious , tenacious
Her ambition and dogged determination is the reason behind her success
Dolorous /Doldrums - state of depression
Syn- stagnation , sluggishness
Dolt – a stupid person
Syn- dullard
He is a dolt man
Doom - death, destruction,
Syn – kismet , ruin
Rule was spilling out of the damaged wing and aircraft doomed
Dormant - growing at a very slow rate, lazy
Syn- lethargic , latent , abeyant
Dormant start by the Indian openers
Dossier - collection of documents
Syn- file , report
Dote -passionate about something
Syn- admire , solicitous
Dour – Never smiling , unfriendly
She voids talking to anyone , a dour girl
Syn - severe , sour
Dowdy - unfashionable and unstylish in appearance (typically used of a woman).
Syn – shabby , unfashionable
She was looking so pretty that every other women around her look
Drab – uninterested
Syn- lacklustre, vacuous
Syn- The landscape was drab and grey
Droll - curious or unusual in a way
Syn-Buffon , clown
I love his unique brand of droll
Drone - make a continuous low humming sound.
Syn- vibrate , murmur
We heard a plane droning overhead
Droop - bend or hang downwards
Syn- flag , fade
The horse tail was drooping downward
Drudge - a person made to do hard or dull work.
syn- factotum ,slave
Her husband was drudging in the smoke of London
Dulcet- sweet pleasing to ears
Syn- mellifluent , mellifluous
Lata mangeshwar has a dulcet voice
Dumbfounded- surprised
Syn- baffle , bewilder
He was completely dumbfounded by the incident
Deceive /Dupe -fool someone
Syn – defraud , swindle
Dwell- 1) live in or at a specified place.
Syn – reside , lodge
2) think, speak, or write at length about (a particular subject, especially one that is a source of unhappiness
Dwindle - diminish gradually
Syn- plummet ,sink
Traffic has dwindled to a tickle
Will post the second part of "D" (70-80 vocabs ) soon.....

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