1. Which of the following is not associated with the UNO? A) ILO  B) WHO  C) ASEAN  D) ALL OF THE ABOVE

2. The chairmanship/presidency of the UN Security Council rotates among the Council Members – A) every 6 months  B) every 3 months  C) every year  D) every month

3. Which of the following is not a chief organ of the United Nations Organisations?  A)  International Labour Organisation  B) Security Council  C) International Court of Justice  D) General Assembly

4. Permanent Secretariat to coordinate the implementation of SAARC programme is located at – A) Dhaka  B) New Delhi  C) Colombo  D) Kathmandu

5. The Indian delegation to the first World Conference on Human Rights was led by – A) Dr. Manmohan Singh  B) Farooq Abdullah  C) Dinesh singh  D) Alam Khan

6. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) is located at which of the following places?  A) Geneva B) Rome  C) Paris  D) Vienna

7. Amnesty International is an organisation associated with which of the following fields?  A) Protection of Cruelty to animals  B) Environment protection  C) Protection of human rights  D) Protection of historic monuments

8. The Halifax summit was that of – A) G-7 countries  B) Leaders of the NAM  C) countries in favour of a common currency for Europe  D) Palestinian and Israeli leaders

9. The office of the UN General Assembly is in – A) Vienna  B) New York  C) Paris  D) Zurich

10. Which is principal organ of the United Nations that as virtually accomplished its object?  A) The Security Council  B) The General Assembly  C) The International Court of Justice  D) The Trusteeship Council

11. The headquarters of the UNESCO is at – A) Rome  B) Geneva  C) New York  D) Paris

12. Which UN body deals with population problem? A) UNFPAB) UNDP  C) UNICEF  D) UNESCO

13. Besides UK, USA, Germany and Japan the G-7 countries includes – A) Canada, France and Russia  B) Canada, Italy and Netherlands  C) France, Netherlands and Russia  D) Canada, France and Italy

14. The headquarters of World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) is located in – A) Paris  B) Madrid  C) New York  D) Geneva

15. The headquarters of Food and Agriculture Organisation is in – A) Washington  B) Paris   C) Madrid  D) Rome

16. Which of the following countries is not a member of Group 15 developing countries – A) Mexico  B) Malaysia  C) Brazil  D) Bolivia

17. Which one of the following is not related to disarmament?  A) SALT  B) NPT  C) CTBT  D) NATO

18. Which of the following describe correctly the Group of Seven Countries (G-7)?  A) They are developing countries  B) They are industrialised countries  C) They are holding Atomic Bomb technology  D) They are countries who can launch their own satellites

19. Which of the following is used as the logo of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)?  A) Deer  B) Panda  C) Camel  D) Lion

20. Which of the following countries is not a member of the G-8 group?  A) Germany  B) France  C) Italy  D) Spain

21. Pakistan which rejoined the Commonwealth, had pulled itself out of it in the year – A) 1978  B) 1975  C) 1972  D) 1982
22. Which of the following countries is not a member of SAARC? A) Nepal  B) Bangladesh  C) Afghanistan  D) Myanmar

23. The main aim of SAARC is – A) Regional Cooperation  B) Internal affairs  C) Non-alignity  D) Peaceful Coexistence

24. The International Human Rights Convention adopted by the United Nations in 1990 relates to -  A) disabled  B) stateless persons  C) migrant workers  D) children

25. Who was the first Indian to be President of UN General Assembly?  A) Mrs. Vijay Lakshmi Pandit B) Ramesh Bhandari  C) Natwar Singh  D) Krishna Menon

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